About Crystal Shop

About our Founder
Shikha Gupta
Crystal Life Shop is founded by Shikha Gupta.
My VISION is to bring amazing, enriching, empowering, love-filled energy to everyone around me!

My MISSION is that you be able to live a life without limitations, without stress, without anxiety, without unhappiness and instead a life in balance, harmony, abundance, full of love for yourself and everyone around you.

I have grown up with an Indian background where crystal energy, Ayurveda, yoga and meditation are a normal part of everyday life and one's lifestyle. It is as natural as breathing and is used in every aspect of life.

I really began to discover this holistic world in 2014, when I was severely struck by stress.

I was admitted to the hospital with chest pains and was told by the doctors, that I was dying if I did not change my lifestyle. My daughter was 1 1/2 years old and my son was 3 1/2 years old at that time. This was a wake-up call.

Here a whole new world opened itself for me and I discovered how Ayurveda, yoga and meditation and the energy of crystals, brought me back from a world that was about to kill me and into a world where I learned to love myself, to find peace, to be present, to be myself.

I have been selling crystals since2017and after countless requests from my clients, I have now chosen to make this website for you who wants to purchase my high vibing crystals.

As well as the crystals, and being a jewelry designer, I run a successful online Mindset & Manifestation coaching and course business, integrating crystal energy through crystal and chakra healing and teaching my clients to manifest the life that they dream of.

You can browse my Coaching and Course programmes here:



I am so grateful to hold the space for you to grow and step into your next level!

Thank you for choosing crystals from Crystal Life Shop.

With Love
